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22 KiB
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package core
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed files/ffprobe.exe
var ffprobeWin64 []byte
var videoTag = "[PickVideo]" // 标记文件已经被整理过
var ignoreVideoPathList []string // 忽略的文件路径
var readErrorVideoPathList []string // 读取信息异常的路径
var videoPath2WidthHeightMap = make(map[string]string) // 视频路径和宽高比
var videoPath2WidthHeightTagMap = make(map[string]string) // 视频路径和宽高比[640x480]
var videoPath2DurationMap = make(map[string]string) // 视频路径和时长
// 支持的视频格式
var supportVideoTypes = []string{
// 水平视频
var horizontalNormalVideoList []string
var horizontalGifVideoList []string
var horizontal1KVideoList []string
var horizontal2KVideoList []string
var horizontal3KVideoList []string
var horizontal4KVideoList []string
var horizontal5KVideoList []string
var horizontal6KVideoList []string
var horizontal7KVideoList []string
var horizontal8KVideoList []string
var horizontal9KVideoList []string
var horizontalHKVideoList []string
// 标准横向视频
var horizontalStandard720PVideoList []string
var horizontalStandard1080PVideoList []string
var horizontalStandard4KVideoList []string
var horizontalStandard8KVideoList []string
// 垂直视频
var verticalNormalVideoList []string
var verticalGifVideoList []string
var vertical1KVideoList []string
var vertical2KVideoList []string
var vertical3KVideoList []string
var vertical4KVideoList []string
var vertical5KVideoList []string
var vertical6KVideoList []string
var vertical7KVideoList []string
var vertical8KVideoList []string
var vertical9KVideoList []string
var verticalHKVideoList []string
// 等比视频
var squareNormalVideoList []string
var squareGifVideoList []string
var square1KVideoList []string
var square2KVideoList []string
var square3KVideoList []string
var square4KVideoList []string
var square5KVideoList []string
var square6KVideoList []string
var square7KVideoList []string
var square8KVideoList []string
var square9KVideoList []string
var squareHKVideoList []string
var squareStandard720PVideoList []string
var squareStandard1080PVideoList []string
var squareStandard4KVideoList []string
var squareStandard8KVideoList []string
func DoHandleVideo(rootDir string) {
// 释放ffprobe
readerFileName := "./ffprobe.exe"
if util.CheckFileIsExist(readerFileName) {
_ = os.Remove(readerFileName)
err := util.WriteByteArraysToFile(ffprobeWin64, readerFileName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("=== 释放解码器失败, 5秒后将自动退出", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
total := len(vars.GlobalVideoPathList) // 总数
successCount := 0 // 成功数
errorCount := 0 // 失败数
ignoreCount := 0 // 忽略数
for _, videoFilePath := range vars.GlobalVideoPathList {
suffix := vars.GlobalFilePath2FileExtMap[videoFilePath]
if isSupportVideo(suffix) {
width, height, err := readVideoWidthHeight(videoFilePath)
if err == nil {
successCount = successCount + 1
videoPath2WidthHeightMap[videoFilePath] = fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", width, height)
videoPath2WidthHeightTagMap[videoFilePath] = fmt.Sprintf("[%dx%d]", width, height)
fmt.Printf("=== Video总数: %d, 已读取Info: %d, 成功数: %d, 失败数: %d \n", total, successCount+errorCount+ignoreCount, successCount, errorCount)
duration := readVideoDuration(videoFilePath)
if duration == 0 {
videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] = "0H0M0S"
} else {
videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] = util.SecondsToHms(duration)
} else {
errorCount = errorCount + 1
readErrorVideoPathList = append(readErrorVideoPathList, videoFilePath)
fmt.Printf("=== 异常视频: %s \n", videoFilePath)
// 其他的直接先忽略吧, 爱改改, 不改拉倒
ignoreCount = ignoreCount + 1
ignoreVideoPathList = append(ignoreVideoPathList, videoFilePath)
//uuid := strings.ReplaceAll(uuid.NewV4().String(), "-", "")
if len(readErrorVideoPathList) > 0 {
readInfoErrorPath := rootDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "读取异常"
if util.CreateDir(readInfoErrorPath) {
doMoveFileToDir(readErrorVideoPathList, readInfoErrorPath)
if len(ignoreVideoPathList) > 0 {
ignorePath := rootDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "已忽略"
if util.CreateDir(ignorePath) {
doMoveFileToDir(ignoreVideoPathList, ignorePath)
doPickVideoFile(rootDir, videoPath2WidthHeightMap)
if util.CheckFileIsExist(readerFileName) {
_ = os.Remove(readerFileName)
fmt.Printf("=== 视频处理完毕 \n\n")
// getVideoDuration 使用ffprobe获取视频时长
func getVideoDuration(ffmpegExecPath string, videoPath string) (float64, error) {
// ffprobe命令-v error 用于减少输出信息,-show_entries format=duration -of compact=p=0,nk=1 用于只输出时长
cmd := exec.Command(ffmpegExecPath, "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", videoPath)
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
output, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("ffprobe failed with error: %v, stderr: %q", err, stderr.String())
// 解析输出的时长字符串为浮点数
durationStr := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
duration, err := strconv.ParseFloat(durationStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse duration: %q, error: %v", durationStr, err)
return duration, nil
func getVideoResolution(ffmpegExecPath string, filePath string) (width int, height int, err error) {
// 构建ffprobe命令
cmd := exec.Command(ffmpegExecPath, "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "stream=width,height", "-of", "csv=p=0:s=x", filePath)
// 执行命令并捕获输出
output, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to run ffprobe: %w", err)
// 解析输出字符串,格式应为 "宽度,高度"
resolutionStr := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
parts := strings.Split(resolutionStr, ",")
if len(parts) == 2 {
width = util.String2int(parts[0])
height = util.String2int(parts[1])
return width, height, nil
parts = strings.Split(resolutionStr, "x")
if len(parts) == 2 {
width = util.String2int(parts[0])
height = util.String2int(parts[1])
return width, height, nil
parts = strings.Split(resolutionStr, "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n")
if len(parts) == 2 {
tempHw := parts[0]
parts = strings.Split(tempHw, "x")
if len(parts) == 2 {
width = util.String2int(parts[0])
height = util.String2int(parts[1])
return width, height, nil
parts = strings.Split(resolutionStr, "x")
if len(parts) == 3 {
width = util.String2int(parts[0])
height = util.String2int(parts[1])
return width, height, nil
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid resolution format: %s", resolutionStr)
// 获取视频的时长,单位秒
func readVideoDuration(videoFilePath string) int {
duration, err := getVideoDuration("./ffprobe.exe", videoFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("=== Error getting video duration:", err)
return 0
//fmt.Printf("=== Video duration: %.2f seconds\n", duration)
return int(math.Floor(duration)) // 向下取整
// 获取视频的分辨率
func readVideoWidthHeight(videoFilePath string) (int, int, error) {
width, height, err := getVideoResolution("./ffprobe.exe", videoFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("=== Error getting resolution: %v\n", err)
return 0, 0, err
//fmt.Printf("=== Video resolution: %dx%d\n", width, height)
return width, height, nil
// 条件视频并分组存放
func doPickVideoFile(rootDir string, videoPath2WidthHeightMap map[string]string) {
if len(videoPath2WidthHeightMap) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("=== 当前目录下没有扫描到视频文件, %s \n", rootDir)
readerFileName := "./ffprobe.exe"
if util.CheckFileIsExist(readerFileName) {
_ = os.Remove(readerFileName)
for currentVideoPath, infoStr := range videoPath2WidthHeightMap {
width2Height := strings.Split(infoStr, "-")
width := util.String2int(width2Height[0])
height := util.String2int(width2Height[1])
suffix := vars.GlobalFilePath2FileExtMap[currentVideoPath]
if width > height {
handleHorizontalVideo(currentVideoPath, width, height, suffix)
if width < height {
handleVerticalVideo(currentVideoPath, height, suffix)
handleSquareVideo(currentVideoPath, width, height, suffix)
// 移动垂直视频
func moveVerticalVideo(rootDir string) {
if len(vertical1KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][1k]", vertical1KVideoList)
if len(vertical2KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][2k]", vertical2KVideoList)
if len(vertical3KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][3k]", vertical3KVideoList)
if len(vertical4KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][4k]", vertical4KVideoList)
if len(vertical5KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][5k]", vertical5KVideoList)
if len(vertical6KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][6k]", vertical6KVideoList)
if len(vertical7KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][7k]", vertical7KVideoList)
if len(vertical8KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][8k]", vertical8KVideoList)
if len(vertical9KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][9k]", vertical9KVideoList)
if len(verticalHKVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[V][原]", verticalHKVideoList)
// 移动文件到根目录
func renameFile(rootDir string, modelType string, videoList []string, pathSeparator string) {
total := len(videoList)
var count = 0
bar := goPrint.NewBar(100)
bar.SetNotice("=== 重命名文件:")
for _, videoFilePath := range videoList {
wh := videoPath2WidthHeightTagMap[videoFilePath]
fileName := vars.GlobalFilePath2FileNameMap[videoFilePath]
if strings.Contains(fileName, videoTag) { // 处理过了
fileNames := strings.Split(fileName, videoTag)
if len(fileNames) == 2 {
fileName = fileNames[1]
targetFilePath := rootDir + pathSeparator + "[" + videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] + "]" + modelType + wh + videoTag + fileName
err := os.Rename(videoFilePath, targetFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("=== 重命名异常: %s \n", videoFilePath)
} else {
targetFilePath := rootDir + pathSeparator + "[" + videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] + "]" + modelType + wh + videoTag + " - " + fileName
err := os.Rename(videoFilePath, targetFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("=== 重命名异常: %s \n", videoFilePath)
count = count + 1
bar.PrintBar(util.CalcPercentage(count, total))
bar.PrintEnd("=== Finish")
// 移动文件到原目录
func renameFileV2(modelType string, videoList []string) {
total := len(videoList)
var count = 0
bar := goPrint.NewBar(100)
bar.SetNotice("=== 重命名文件:")
for _, videoFilePath := range videoList {
wh := videoPath2WidthHeightTagMap[videoFilePath]
fileName := vars.GlobalFilePath2FileNameMap[videoFilePath]
filePath := util.GetFileDirectory(videoFilePath)
if strings.Contains(fileName, videoTag) { // 处理过了
fileNames := strings.Split(fileName, videoTag)
if len(fileNames) == 2 {
fileName = fileNames[1]
targetFilePath := filePath + "[" + videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] + "]" + modelType + wh + videoTag + fileName
err := os.Rename(videoFilePath, targetFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("=== 重命名异常: %s \n", videoFilePath)
} else {
targetFilePath := filePath + "[" + videoPath2DurationMap[videoFilePath] + "]" + modelType + wh + videoTag + " - " + fileName
err := os.Rename(videoFilePath, targetFilePath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("=== 重命名异常: %s \n", videoFilePath)
count = count + 1
bar.PrintBar(util.CalcPercentage(count, total))
bar.PrintEnd("=== Finish")
// 移动水平视频
func moveHorizontalVideo(rootDir string) {
if len(horizontal1KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][1k]", horizontal1KVideoList)
if len(horizontal2KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][2k]", horizontal2KVideoList)
if len(horizontal3KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][3k]", horizontal3KVideoList)
if len(horizontal4KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][4k]", horizontal4KVideoList)
if len(horizontal5KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][5k]", horizontal5KVideoList)
if len(horizontal6KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][6k]", horizontal6KVideoList)
if len(horizontal7KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][7k]", horizontal7KVideoList)
if len(horizontal8KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][8k]", horizontal8KVideoList)
if len(horizontal9KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][9k]", horizontal9KVideoList)
if len(horizontalHKVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][原]", horizontalHKVideoList)
if len(horizontalStandard720PVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][720P]", horizontalStandard720PVideoList)
if len(horizontalStandard1080PVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][1080P]", horizontalStandard1080PVideoList)
if len(horizontalStandard4KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][4KP]", horizontalStandard4KVideoList)
if len(horizontalStandard8KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[H][8KP]", horizontalStandard8KVideoList)
// 移动等比视频
func moveSquareVideo(rootDir string) {
if len(square1KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][1k]", square1KVideoList)
if len(square2KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][2k]", square2KVideoList)
if len(square3KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][3k]", square3KVideoList)
if len(square4KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][4k]", square4KVideoList)
if len(square5KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][5k]", square5KVideoList)
if len(square6KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][6k]", square6KVideoList)
if len(square7KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][7k]", square7KVideoList)
if len(square8KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][8k]", square8KVideoList)
if len(square9KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][9k]", square9KVideoList)
if len(squareHKVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][原]", squareHKVideoList)
if len(squareStandard720PVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][720P]", squareStandard720PVideoList)
if len(squareStandard1080PVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][1080P]", squareStandard1080PVideoList)
if len(squareStandard4KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][4KP]", squareStandard4KVideoList)
if len(squareStandard8KVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[M][8KP]", squareStandard8KVideoList)
// 移动普通视频
func moveNormalVideo(rootDir string) {
//pathSeparator := string(os.PathSeparator)
if len(horizontalNormalVideoList) > 0 {
//renameFile(rootDir, "[L]", horizontalNormalVideoList, pathSeparator)
renameFileV2("[L]", horizontalNormalVideoList)
if len(verticalNormalVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[L]", verticalNormalVideoList)
if len(squareNormalVideoList) > 0 {
renameFileV2("[L]", squareNormalVideoList)
// 处理垂直视频
func handleVerticalVideo(currentVideoPath string, height int, suffix string) {
if strings.EqualFold(suffix, ".gif") {
verticalGifVideoList = append(verticalGifVideoList, currentVideoPath)
if height < 1000 {
verticalNormalVideoList = append(verticalNormalVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 1000 && height < 2000 {
vertical1KVideoList = append(vertical1KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 2000 && height < 3000 {
vertical2KVideoList = append(vertical2KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 3000 && height < 4000 {
vertical3KVideoList = append(vertical3KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 4000 && height < 5000 {
vertical4KVideoList = append(vertical4KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 5000 && height < 6000 {
vertical5KVideoList = append(vertical5KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 6000 && height < 7000 {
vertical6KVideoList = append(vertical6KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 7000 && height < 8000 {
vertical7KVideoList = append(vertical7KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 8000 && height < 9000 {
vertical8KVideoList = append(vertical8KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 9000 && height < 10000 {
vertical9KVideoList = append(vertical9KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if height >= 10000 {
verticalHKVideoList = append(verticalHKVideoList, currentVideoPath)
// 处理横向视频
func handleHorizontalVideo(currentVideoPath string, width int, height int, suffix string) {
if strings.EqualFold(suffix, ".gif") {
horizontalGifVideoList = append(horizontalGifVideoList, currentVideoPath)
if width < 1000 {
// 160 × 120
// 320 × 180
// 320 × 240
// 640 × 360
// 640 × 480
horizontalNormalVideoList = append(horizontalNormalVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 1000 && width < 2000 {
// 1280 x 720 -> 720p
if width == 1280 && height == 720 {
horizontalStandard720PVideoList = append(horizontalStandard720PVideoList, currentVideoPath)
// 1920 x 1080 -> 1080p
if width == 1920 && height == 1080 {
horizontalStandard1080PVideoList = append(horizontalStandard1080PVideoList, currentVideoPath)
horizontal1KVideoList = append(horizontal1KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 2000 && width < 3000 {
horizontal2KVideoList = append(horizontal2KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 3000 && width < 4000 {
// 3840 x 2160 -> 4k
if width == 3840 && height == 2160 {
horizontalStandard4KVideoList = append(horizontalStandard4KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
horizontal3KVideoList = append(horizontal3KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 4000 && width < 5000 {
horizontal4KVideoList = append(horizontal4KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 5000 && width < 6000 {
horizontal5KVideoList = append(horizontal5KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 6000 && width < 7000 {
horizontal6KVideoList = append(horizontal6KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 7000 && width < 8000 {
// 7680 x 4320 -> 8k
if width == 7680 && height == 4320 {
horizontalStandard8KVideoList = append(horizontalStandard8KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
horizontal7KVideoList = append(horizontal7KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 8000 && width < 9000 {
horizontal8KVideoList = append(horizontal8KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 9000 && width < 10000 {
horizontal9KVideoList = append(horizontal9KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 10000 {
horizontalHKVideoList = append(horizontalHKVideoList, currentVideoPath)
// 处理等比视频
func handleSquareVideo(currentVideoPath string, width int, height int, suffix string) {
if strings.EqualFold(suffix, ".gif") {
squareGifVideoList = append(squareGifVideoList, currentVideoPath)
if width < 1000 {
squareNormalVideoList = append(squareNormalVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 1000 && width < 2000 {
// 1280 x 720 -> 720p
if width == 1280 && height == 720 {
squareStandard720PVideoList = append(squareStandard720PVideoList, currentVideoPath)
// 1920 x 1080 -> 1080p
if width == 1920 && height == 1080 {
squareStandard1080PVideoList = append(squareStandard1080PVideoList, currentVideoPath)
square1KVideoList = append(square1KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 2000 && width < 3000 {
square2KVideoList = append(square2KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 3000 && width < 4000 {
// 3840 x 2160 -> 4k
if width == 3840 && height == 2160 {
squareStandard4KVideoList = append(squareStandard4KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
square3KVideoList = append(square3KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 4000 && width < 5000 {
square4KVideoList = append(square4KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 5000 && width < 6000 {
square5KVideoList = append(square5KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 6000 && width < 7000 {
square6KVideoList = append(square6KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 7000 && width < 8000 {
// 7680 x 4320 -> 8k
if width == 7680 && height == 4320 {
squareStandard8KVideoList = append(squareStandard8KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
square7KVideoList = append(square7KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 8000 && width < 9000 {
square8KVideoList = append(square8KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 9000 && width < 10000 {
square9KVideoList = append(square9KVideoList, currentVideoPath)
} else if width >= 10000 {
squareHKVideoList = append(squareHKVideoList, currentVideoPath)
// 判断是否属于支持的视频
func isSupportVideo(videoType string) bool {
for _, supportVideoType := range supportVideoTypes {
if strings.EqualFold(videoType, supportVideoType) {
return true
return false
// 批量移动文件到目录
func doMoveFileToDir(filePatnList []string, videoDirPath string) {
total := len(filePatnList)
var count = 0
bar := goPrint.NewBar(100)
bar.SetNotice("=== 移动文件到目录:")
pathSeparator := string(os.PathSeparator)
for _, videoFilePath := range filePatnList {
moveFileToDir(videoFilePath, videoDirPath+pathSeparator)
count = count + 1
bar.PrintBar(util.CalcPercentage(count, total))
bar.PrintEnd("=== Finish")
// 移动文件到目录
func moveFileToDir(sourceFilePath string, targetDirectory string) bool {
splits := strings.Split(sourceFilePath, string(os.PathSeparator))
fileName := splits[len(splits)-1]
targetFilePath := targetDirectory + fileName
err := os.Rename(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath)
//fmt.Printf("=== 移动文件, 源: %s, 目标: %s \n", sourceFilePath, targetFilePath)
return err == nil